Today's snowstorm finds me once again escaping the below-frigid temperatures of my house (that no matter how high I turn the heat up, how long I run the space heater, nor how dangerously high I burn the logs in the fireplace still manages to chill my bones and leave my sons hands little you think Joe for Oil has a, John for Propane??). Refuge has been sought at my in-laws, who have quite the comfortable pull-out (since I topped it with my old queen-sized mattress topper, from my single, livin' with my wives days). It's much warmer here, though I will miss snuggling with my kitties who, along with the dog, help keep Chris and I warm at night (Ethan's room blessedly stays's the only room that does, though). I really had planned to leave early this morning to head over with the laundry and get that done while finishing up some work from this week and then heading back to get all snowed-in at my own house but...yeah. Didn't happen.
What should have been a 15, 20 minute ride turned into an hour + trip down a tretcherous, barely plowed road with a gaggle of idiot drivers - it's like they really thought that because it was "light, fluffy snow" that they could just roll on down the highway passing people and swerving in and out of lanes. NOT OKAY. I'm not a timid driver, but it was completely irresponsible the way these people were driving, ESPECIALLY WHEN 90% OF MY HEART WAS IN MY CAR. Nervewracking trip. Not to mention that E had a complete freak out in the car, one of those crying-so-hard-they-can't-stop-on-the-verge-of-vomiting things that completely debilitates me as a parent because it's so thoroughly heartbreaking and all he's doing is crying and holding out his arms "MAAAAAHHHHHMMMAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" and I can't stop the car and make it all better because jackasses on either side of me have decided that route 50 should be telecast as the ice capades instead. I still have no idea why he was so upset, except that I made him sit in his car seat instead of drive the car. I'm such a mean Mommy.
Once there, things just got off track. It was decided that since Chris and I both had to be in town on Sunday ANYWAYS, we might as well stay the night. It's safer and makes more sense...but then I lost 3 hours of work time when Chris had to go back home to get his medicine and...just...see, man, I make PLANS. I live off of PLANS. I am queen of lists and prior proper planning prevents piss poor when I have an idea in my head of how a day should go and it doesn't go that way, I am thoroughly unsatisfied. So Where I should have gone and gotten laundry and work done, then returned home to play with my kid in the snow and bake something delicious, I instead found a new form of hatred on the highway, discovered that my son refuses to wear gloves and then FREAKS THE F OUT when he gets snow on his hands, and while yes, I did get to technically do 3 or 4 things on my list they didn't happen the way I wanted them to and they therefore never happened...ah, look, I get the "give myself a break," "get over yourself," and "that's life!" aspects of today, but i'm tired now, and it's getting late...and...yeah. More on this later.
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