When I mess something up, at least everyone escapes with all their limbs intact.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

In hoping that the laundry will fold itself

Have you ever tried to cross your legs comfortably with an orthodic boot on? It's not pleasant. Especially if you're a leg crosser to begin with, it becomes a very frustrating venture wherein you find yourself constantly shuffling your feet because, dammit, you just can't cross your legs.

I am now a little over three weeks past my surgery. Where I was feeling strong only a week ago, I have backpedaled into feeling weak (break for attempting to cross legs - dammit!) and, well, weaker. I keep having to tighten the boot because my leg muscles are slowly deteriorating from lack of use. My toes are starting to go numb again. Every so often I forget that all this has happened and I stand up and even take a few steps before going "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! Crutches! No weight bearing! GAAAAHHHH!"

I have bruises everywhere. I have to take an asprin a day to keep the blood flowing freely through my non-stimulated leg and it's causing me to look abused. I bruise easily to begin with, so this is really disturbing to see. I have a bruise the size of my open palm on my good leg right under a knuckle-sized bruise on my knee, a series of small bruises on the knee of my bad leg from falling (and no, for the last goddamned time I'm not overdoing it, I fall. A lot. Katie = klutzy. I don't know why or how I'm so good at drawing blood because, really, I'm a hazard to myself.), a bruise under my left eye from an errant sippy cup that flew my way, and a bruise on the underside of my thigh from TRYING TO CROSS MY LEG OVER THE DAMNED ORTHODIC BOOT.

My legs hurt. My ankle hurts. I feel the difference in my blood when I try to skip the asprin. MAKE. THIS. STOP. I want it to be over.

I'm at the point now where I'm having to do a lot of things by myself and I'm more active than I probably should be. It's now that I need help.

I'm whining.  This is not the post I intended to write, but it's probably the post I was supposed to write.

I just want to clean my house. I want to pick up my son and walk with him. I want to drive my car.

Most of all, I want to cross my legs in peace.

**Edited twice for shamefully blatant grammar mistakes**

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you are uncomfortable! That must be a huge pain in the butt. I know what you mean though- I always cross my legs when I am trying to get comfortable and if I can't cross my legs because I'm wearing weird pants or because my daughter is on my lap, I just don't know what to do with my feet. Seriously....what am I supposed to do? Cross them at the ankle? Sit with my legs spread open?

    ps-thanks so much for visiting my blog. you actually gave me a brilliant idea. i'm just going to wear stuff around the store from now on (scarves, hats.....pants, shoes) and then just take it off when I'm about to leave.=)
